The Fiber Method

  • Do You Struggle With...

    Eating “perfectly all day” and then overeating at night?

    Confused about which nutrients are actually healthy?

    Tired of fad diets where you lose weight and gain it all back plus more?

    Need help figuring out how to lower cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure?

    Want to feel confident around food and feel less stressed about what to eat?

  • Get ready for....

    5-10% weight loss

    Sustainable eating habits

    Better relationship with food

    More energy!

    Feel confident about your food choices

    Improve your health, lower cholesterol, balance blood sugar and lower blood pressure

    The Fiber Method is your guide to a sustainable healthy lifestyle

The Fiber Method

This course is designed to create a healthier you. If you’ve struggled with diet confusion and don’t know where to turn for your health— The Fiber Method gives you all the tools you need to lose weight, gain intuition about food, reduce cholesterol, increase energy levels, rebuild your relationship with food and make living a healthy lifestyle easy and achievable. It is science-backed and evidence based and has helped thousands of patients improve their health!

It’s a go-at-your-own-pace course and is $87.

“Great news!!! My doctor told me my blood sugar and cholesterol are normal now”

PL - 48

I started wygovy but wanted to make nutrition changes at the same time - this method is exactly what my doctor told me to do - it’s Mediterranean style but so many high fiber options! Abigail makes the information really easy to understand

RR - 42

I lost 10 lbs on the fiber method! It felt do-able, realistic, and I actually enjoyed my food more. I’ve been able to keep the weight off!

“I feel incredible - I’m able to enjoy my food, lose weight and have less food noise - I’ve gained so much of my life back instead of thinking about dieting all the time”

LM -34

“I knew eating healthy was good for me but I didn’t realize how much more I would enjoy food”

BA - 39

4-Week Meal Plan

Healthy eating may seem daunting if you don’t know where to start. The Abigail Nutrition 4-Week Meal Plan provides you with 30 days of meal and snack inspiration, grocery lists, and recipes. The 4-Week Meal Plan will guide you through leveling up your wellness, and will make consistency and healthy eating fun and easy. 

Level up your wellness.